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Board Resources

Social Services Resources & Awards

Patriot Receives Community Partner Award

Lifting Lives Award

Fundraising Opportunities

Fundraising With MASSB

Tax Income Reports

Forms & Sample Documents

Image by Sigmund

Board Handbook & Tools

Lifting Lives Award for the Development of Innovative Programs

Creativity, coupled with compassion and commitment, all in the in face of scarce resources, has fostered the development of innovative programs by County Departments of Social Services (DSS). The Revere Bank Award is MASSB’s opportunity to recognize these efforts while providing a platform for departments to share these efforts with one another.   Award Winners and more information here:  MORE

Calvert County Best Practices Presentation

Best Practices summary presentation by the Calvert County Department of Social Services provides a summary of the programs in that county.  Read More

Fundraising with MASSB Foundation

The trustees of the MASSB Foundation are available to meet with local DSS boards, and will serve as a conduit for information sharing about projects.  Local boards should contact Mark Poerio for information about fundraising activities that are allowable under applicable tax laws. More Info 

Calvert Family Advocates Application for Financial Assistance

A sample of the Calvert Family Advocates Application for Financial Assistance Read More

Mailing Fundraiser Guidance/Tips from MASSB

Quick snap shot of best practices for a mailed fundraiser. Read More

Sample Announcement by Queen Anne's County Department of Social Services.

This is a sample announcement made to Queen Anne's County to search for county residents to serve on their advisory board. Read More

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